Sending out a press release ain’t what it used to be. Today’s automation allows us to hit send and a press release will magically appear in hundreds of reporters’ inboxes. Done. Tell the client that you reached that targeted list of reporters. Yeah, right. Your press release and thousands of others just hit that reporter’s inbox – your odds are it will never be opened.
Here’s a few things to know about reporters. There are fewer of them in every newsroom, they have to cover more than ever, and they don’t like to be spammed!
A better way to get coverage for your company or client is to learn more about reporters as individuals. What do they cover? What stories are they interested in? If they’re local, you could even meet and buy them a cup of coffee.
Here are some suggestions to developing an ongoing relationship with the media:
Reporters may not be interested in everything you send them even if you have a good working relationship. However, they will be more apt to open an email from a solid source who has been helpful in the past … or who has taken the time to get to know them.